Toru Marshall was saved at the age of six years old and grew up in a Christian home. His dad, Charlie Marshall, was on staff with Dr. W. Jack Hudson for fifteen years and has been in evangelism for nearly 40 years. Most of his secondary and high school education was received in Christian schooling, and he is a graduate of Tennessee Temple University.
During his high school and college years, Brother Marshall worked at the Bill Rice Ranch and helped his dad as he travelled in evangelism. Upon his graduation from college, Brother Marshall and his wife Robin went into full-time evangelism. After two years of full-time evangelism, Brother Marshall began working at a local church in Charlotte, North Carolina, for eight months of the year and travelling in evangelism for four months. He continued working there for ten years, after which time he once again entered full-time evangelism.
Since May of 1995, Brother Marshall along with his wife Robin and their three girls, Bethany, Larissa and Charlee, have been travelling and conducting revival meetings in churches across America. Over the last five years in their crusades and revivals, they have seen over 1,000 people saved each year. God has blessed Brother Marshall with a unique ability to minister to children, teenagers and adults by using a variety of multimedia equipment.
In May of 1997, Brother Marshall was invited for his first time to speak in Cuba. In September of 1998, he returned to Cuba with his wife Robin. They found people who were hungry for the gospel of Jesus Christ. They also found national pastors, national missionaries and their families who were literally starving. They left Cuba with a burden to help the many pastors and missionaries who were struggling to reach their people with the gospel. Since that time Brother Marshall has visited Cuba on several different occasions, each time he has taken financial support and humanitarian aid for the churches and pastors. On every trip, hundreds have been saved, over 250 new churches have been started, three Bible institutes have been established.
Because of the great interest in supporting national pastors, in January of 2001 Brother Marshall founded Nationals Outreach Worldwide Ministries (N.O.W. Ministries). This ministry was begun to provide support for National Pastors in all parts of the world. Through Brother Marshall’s leadership, this ministry has grown into a worldwide ministry. N.O.W. Ministries is presently supporting over 952 nationals in 49 different countries. Other pastors and ministries are on a list waiting for support.
Brother Marshall has given his life for the purpose of reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every year Bro. Marshall preaches to Tens of Thousands of people in the United States and many foreign countries. His goal is to win many to Christ, obey the Great Commission and glorify God through his ministry.
Toru Marshall Bio
During his high school and college years, Brother Marshall worked at the Bill Rice Ranch and helped his dad as he travelled in evangelism. Upon his graduation from college, Brother Marshall and his wife Robin went into full-time evangelism. After two years of full-time evangelism, Brother Marshall began working at a local church in Charlotte, North Carolina, for eight months of the year and travelling in evangelism for four months. He continued working there for ten years, after which time he once again entered full-time evangelism.
Since May of 1995, Brother Marshall along with his wife Robin and their three girls, Bethany, Larissa and Charlee, have been travelling and conducting revival meetings in churches across America. Over the last five years in their crusades and revivals, they have seen over 1,000 people saved each year. God has blessed Brother Marshall with a unique ability to minister to children, teenagers and adults by using a variety of multimedia equipment.
In May of 1997, Brother Marshall was invited for his first time to speak in Cuba. In September of 1998, he returned to Cuba with his wife Robin. They found people who were hungry for the gospel of Jesus Christ. They also found national pastors, national missionaries and their families who were literally starving. They left Cuba with a burden to help the many pastors and missionaries who were struggling to reach their people with the gospel. Since that time Brother Marshall has visited Cuba on several different occasions, each time he has taken financial support and humanitarian aid for the churches and pastors. On every trip, hundreds have been saved, over 250 new churches have been started, three Bible institutes have been established.
Because of the great interest in supporting national pastors, in January of 2001 Brother Marshall founded Nationals Outreach Worldwide Ministries (N.O.W. Ministries). This ministry was begun to provide support for National Pastors in all parts of the world. Through Brother Marshall’s leadership, this ministry has grown into a worldwide ministry. N.O.W. Ministries is presently supporting over 952 nationals in 49 different countries. Other pastors and ministries are on a list waiting for support.
Brother Marshall has given his life for the purpose of reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every year Bro. Marshall preaches to Tens of Thousands of people in the United States and many foreign countries. His goal is to win many to Christ, obey the Great Commission and glorify God through his ministry.
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