5040 Penn Road, Iron Station, North Carolina 28080 office@nowministries.us 704.483.8999

Gibbs Family Update March 2018

Dear Praying Family and Friends,

The ministry of the Gospel continues to press onward and upward.

For the past few months, a young man has been attending who accepted Christ through a YouTube video. For two years he was on his own in his spiritual walk, but through various connections, he came into contact with us. It has been exciting to see him grow in his faith, and on Easter, he will be following the Lord in believer’s baptism.

He has a fervent passion for sharing the Gospel, and since joining with us has expressed his desire to begin knocking on doors. Through this ministry, the Lord has opened the doors to a few decent conversations with individuals. One man was a Mormon, and we have been able to continue our conversation through email addressing things with God’s Word.

In February, we began a mid-week workshop going through a Christian based financial class. It has been encouraging to take some time together as a church and focus on learning to be stewards of the resources entrusted to us by God. We are learning that our financial management should be part of our mission, and this program provides us with the practical resources for this task. We will finish the program in April.

Around here, this month is known as “Mad March”. We have several large community events that come to town. The first weekend boasts a Supercars (think Nascar) race and has an attendance of almost 200,000 people over the course of 4 days. We took one day and passed out water bottles with a link to a Gospel message video, a brief written Gospel challenge, and our church details listed. We were able to pass out all 650 water bottles in 4 hours, and are beginning to plan for next year to reach an even larger number

We also thank the Lord for the opportunities He gives us in our regular daily routines to share the Gospel. Since we returned we have sought to consistently go to the same places (I.e. – grocery store, barber, hair salon, coffee shop, etc.), and through our conversations, God has slowly been moving them towards Him and the importance of faith in the Gospel and in His plans. Please pray with us that these opportunities would continue to grow.

The ministry is one day at a time, one person at a time, and as stewards of the manifold grace of God, we are simply to be faithful with this gift entrusted to us.

Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. (1 Corinthians 4:1–2)

Thank you for your faithful support and prayers of this ministry.

Your Fellow Servant,

Adam Gibbs

Missionary in Australia

A Special Note: Thank you to the ministry of Bible Tracts, Inc. (www.bibletractsinc.org) for supplying the various tracts we distribute.