5040 Penn Road, Iron Station, North Carolina 28080 office@nowministries.us 704.483.8999

Happy New Year from Cambodia

Dear Beloved Rev. Toru Marshall and NOW ministries Churches,

Happy New Year from Kampong Cham – Cambodia!!!

The last quarter of 2015 passed so swiftly as we were so busy with many ministries:

  • Sunday School:  God gave some new kids and some of those who quit came back. Many kids can now memorize John 3:16 by heart. 
  • Meriam Tiek Mission: Our folks has learned to give to missions.
  • Back to School Sunday: Pastor Jun Lumagbas was our special speaker. He preached to us in Kampong Cham, Meriam Tiek and Soung City. A total of 289 attended and 9 got saved.
  • Pastor’s Sunday: I received a big birthday cake, gifts and the love of my family and my people. We had  Dr. Mike Van Horn  to preach for us. There were 2 congregations (Kampong Cham and Meriam Tiek) celebrated my 50th birthday. We had a  blast! Everyone had a share of the cakes.
  • Christmas Evangelistic Programs: Vihear Thom Village had 114 attendance and 26 got saved. Meriam Tiek Mission had 118 attendance and had 14 saved. Soung City had 13 saved out of 134 that attended.  Kampong Cham city had 133 attendance and had 5 professions of faith.
  • Prison Ministry: This quarter we had to add a new barber’s chair as more inmates are being trained to be barbers. We also had 7 new Bible Class students. 23 souls got saved in this last quarter. We distributed 215 Gospel Booklets and 1,200 Gospel Tracts inside the prison. We also gave 18 Bibles to inmates and  provided 20 songbooks. Rock of Ages Ministries gave a computer to the new warden’s office.
  • Gospel Tract distribution ministry: Over 5,000 Gospel Tracts had been distributed in the Elementary and High School premises.  In the garment factories we also passed out over 4,000 Gospel Tracts. Along the villages we passed our 3,000 Gospel Tracts. God’s Word will not return void.
  • Church Anniversary: We had 8 visitors during our 5th Church anniversary here. 5 made professions of faith after the preaching. We thank God for 2 families added to our church at the very last Sunday .

Because you cared to pray and give we are able to continue serving our people. Thank you for your heart for missions and the compassion for the lost. Glory to God!!!

Please pray for the following concerns:

  1. Healing of Grace’s ear and nose anomalies and her migraine head aches too.
  2. The new church members will grow spiritually.
  3. Prison Ministry nation-wide permit to be granted.
  4. Financial Provision for the roofing of our church building upper deck.
  5. Teachers, workers and more preachers will help in the ministry.
  6. Sister Srey Yan’s ( Missionary to South Africa) application to Asian Baptist Clearinghouse.
  7. Preacher Kim Chorn and family as they watch over the church property and ministry.

Happy to be your missionaries,

Lomer Hope and Grace dela Cruz